Australian-German Research Network Conference 2020

The Australian-German Research Network is a join initiative by the German embassy in Canberra and the Australian embassy in Berlin and offers a forum for researchers from both countries. This year the conference was held online and as part of the Brisbane German week.

The University of Bayreuth organised a roundtable discussion on the topic of Planetary Health co-chaired by Univ.-Prof. Dr. mult. Eckhard Nagel and Martin Hensher from Deakin University. The researchers provided an overview into their research topic drawing also on their collaborations at at the international summers school in Bayreuth.

Situating the Economics of Health and Healthcare in its wider environmental and planetary context challenges economic models and stresses the interdependence and interrelatedness between health, the health care system, the planet and finally the economic evaluations of health interventions. A focus on planetary health fosters a holistic, scientific understanding of the complexities of sustainability related to people, planet and economics.